Plastics appointment

Namine had an appointment this morning with her plastic surgeon, Dr. Denny, the man who did her jaw distraction and cleft palate repair. He has declared her palate completely healed, and she can eat whatever she wants again. Well, within reason.

Namine had an appointment this morning with her plastic surgeon, Dr. Denny, the man who did her jaw distraction and cleft palate repair. He has declared her palate completely healed, and she can eat whatever she wants again. Well, within reason.

Namine is still sick, unfortunately. In the rush to get her ready to leave for her appointment before I had to leave for work, I forgot to take her temp. She still feels warm, though. Her secretions are more normal again; this morning, they were still thick and boogery (that’s the technical term), but we think that may have been just because it was early.

But now, something new: Namine has a rash on her forehead. We have no idea what it could be from. It wasn’t there this morning, when I was getting her ready. Pulmonology doesn’t think it’s trach-related, so who knows. We’ll keep an eye on it, and that’s pretty much all we can do for now.

3 responses

  1. Leah, Mike & Alyssa Avatar
    Leah, Mike & Alyssa

    That’s wonderful about the palate. We hope she starts feeling better soon!!!

  2. My FB is acting up and hiding posts on me. It’s wonderful news about the cleft palate. Hoorah! I’m sorry Namine is still sick and now has a rash. Do you think it’s Chicken Pox or something like that? Or did the hospital have some appliance against her forehead that could have made of something she is allergic to? I hope she is doing better this evening.

  3. Jon Eiche Avatar
    Jon Eiche

    That poor, subdued little girl! Even as poorly as she obviously feels, there are little glimpses of her sunny disposition. It will be good to have her completely back to her normal self.

    On a not-entirely-unrelated note, whenever I hold her, she grabs my left hand so we can dance, and I always hum the same little nonsense tune. It’s been bugging me that it seemed so familiar (Good composers borrow; great ones steal!), and driving home from your place tonight it hit me: It’s the end-credit music from “Robot Chicken.” No more Adult Swim for Grandpa E!

    Next time maybe I’ll cluck it.

    Love and hugs and kisses to all,
    Grandpa Eiche

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