Femoral Facial Syndrome
Femoral Facial Syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by underdeveloped thigh bones (femurs) and unusual facial characteristics. It presents with a very broad range and variety of symptoms. Namine’s diagnosis of this disorder includes her Caudal Regression Syndrome, Pierre Robin Sequence, and Double Inlet Left Ventricle Heart Defect.
Cyst removal recovery
Namine was discharged from the hospital, and much sooner than expected.
Cyst removal
Namine’s cyst removal was successful, but she did not have either hernia removed.
Surgery preparedness
We met virtually with the doctor organizing Namine’s upcoming three-part surgery.
Planning the hernia repairs
Namine has two hernias to be repaired, and an ovarian cyst to be removed. We have a plan to address these, but there are complications.
Presentation at MCW
Jessica, Namine, and I gave our annual talk on equipment and accessibility at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
Mysterious leg pain
Namine thought her leg was broken. It wasn’t, fortunately, but we don’t know what caused the pain.
X-rays, routine and otherwise
What was meant to be a routine trip to the orthopedic doctor ended up including one more X-ray than we expected.
Talk at the Medical College
It’s that time again! We were asked back to the Medical College of Wisconsin to give our yearly talk on equipment and accessibility.
Wheelchair loaner
Namine received a “new” (to her) wheelchair and was measured for her real replacement chair.
Foot laceration stitches out
Namine got the stitches in her foot taken out.
Pain managed, time to break free!
Namine was given the all-clear to go home! We just had to wait for our discharge papers.
Foot laceration pain management
With the larger threat of infection all but removed, the focus now is on pain management.