I have been remiss in updating the blog as much as I’ve updated what the blog runs on. The recent updates have really just been maintenance and behind the scenes fixes, for the most part. There are a few things worth mentioning, though.
The first update really was just housekeeping stuff. I added PHPCS to the build scripts, to ensure the use of code standards and best practices. A side effect of doing that, then, was it discovering some errors and warnings in the PHP files. This update also included those fixes.
This was even more of a minor update. I moved several anonymous functions to named functions. (This was at the recommendation of a reviewer.)
I do have some custom styles and overrides in Ankur. One such example is maintaining the same spacing between blocks, like paragraphs and images. The quote block, however, was missing this spacing in the top margin. This update fixed that.
This update fixed a number of things that had been piling up; some housekeep and maintenance, and some user-facing issues. First, the housekeeping:
- Updated caniuse to the latest version. This is a library that handles compatibility validation across browsers.
- Merged in some package updates handled by the dependency checker bot (
, andfollow-redirects
, if you must know ).
And now, the visible fixes:
- Removed the class attributes from custom block style registration. These were unnecessary because I’m already using the default CSS class generation.
- Fixed responsive font sizes to improve readability. Now fonts won’t shrink indefinitely if you resize your browser window to be smaller.
- Removed old quote block large style selector. There were two,
. Only the latter is used in the block editor. - Removed unneeded quote block plain style from stylesheet. The block style is supported in WordPress core, so only its definition in
is needed.
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