Namine’s semester just ended, and we’re very proud of the work she put in to end it with a GPA of 3.5! We think it’s worth bringing to attention that Namine has had her work more that cut out for her, as she has had more important things than school vying for her attention.
What, you might ask, is more important than school for an adolescent? Not much, we would agree, except for health itself. That, unfortunately, has precisely been the case for Namine. Back in October, Namine was admitted into the hospital for abdominal pain for the second time in three months. We discovered that she has a painful cyst that needs to be removed and two hernias which need to be repaired. Then in December, she was admitted for the flu and experienced complications, extending her stay.
Namine has shown strong work ethic in her classes and responsibility in keeping her teachers updated on her ongoing health status. Namine’s teachers, for their part, have been understanding throughout her recent health difficulties. They are a credit to the RVA, showing how much they place the importance of the student over mere academics.
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