Virtual theaters

For the past eight weeks, Namine has participated in two different theater groups.

ASL musical theater

When Namine was offered the chance to enroll once again in Sunset Playhouse’s ASL musical theater, she could not say yes fast enough. Ever since her first sign language class at Bright Rising, she’s enjoyed learning new signs. Combine that with her love of music and you have a winning combination!

Radio drama

Namine has enjoyed acting in the plays she’s been enrolled in Bright Rising, like Romeo & Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing. With social distancing still being necessary, she decided to try out a radio drama. She auditioned for The Green Hornet: The Ghost Who Talked Too Much and got assigned to the roles of three different characters.

Namine told us that of the two theater sessions, she enjoyed the radio drama even more than ASL music theater. This came as a surprise to us, with as much as she enjoys learning new signs. But her enjoyment was evident, especially since she went out of her way to memorize her parts.

She didn’t have to memorize her parts. Since The Green Hornet was purely an audio performance, reading from the script would have been enough. In her involvement with previous plays, remembering her lines was sometimes difficult. She’s come a long way since then, having pushed herself to memorize the lines of not just one character but three!

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