“Now wait a minute, Paul,” you might say. “I thought Namine already had a school orientation.” And you would be right, dear reader. We did attend Namine’s orientation for her primary school, Rural Virtual Academy (RVA for short). But as with last year, the RVA isn’t the only school Namine attends.
Namine also attends Bright Rising Arts & Education, a school for children who are primarily homeschooled. It was through Bright Rising that Namine played parts in Romeo & Juliet and The Wizard of Oz last year, and this year she’ll be digging even more into drama and the arts. She’ll be taking classes like choir, acting, sign language (ASL, to be precise), and more.
The first play Bright Rising will be putting on is Peter Pan, so Namine joined other students in auditioning. She hopes to secure a role as a mermaid (no surprise there) or a pirate (also not a surprise).
In nicer weather, Namine’s teacher plans to take the children outside around lunchtime. Because Namine uses a wheelchair, her teacher asked us to take a look at the step outside. After Namine finished her audition, she came with us to demonstrate how she can bump up and down a single step or curb. This step is nowhere near the height of some steps she’s had to navigate, thankfully.

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