Standing on her own

It’s pretty much day-to-day around here. For the most part, just life as usual: Namine has therapy today, as she does two or three times a week. I don’t remember how often it is anymore; my job doesn’t permit me the time it would take to attend Namine’s therapy sessions. That’s okay, though. Jessica fills…

It’s pretty much day-to-day around here. For the most part, just life as usual: Namine has therapy today, as she does two or three times a week. I don’t remember how often it is anymore; my job doesn’t permit me the time it would take to attend Namine’s therapy sessions. That’s okay, though. Jessica fills me in on how they go.

Speaking of therapy, the sessions are going very well. Of course by now you probably know that Namine is learning to stand. She stood up in her very first therapy session for her legs, something that the therapist didn’t expect for weeks. She was also surprised to find that Namine is not a “plopper,” as she calls them. When she’s done standing, she doesn’t just plop herself down, she eases herself back into a sitting position. Even at such an early stage, Namine is showing such control over her muscles; at every turn she demonstrates what an iron will she has. My mom sometimes calls Namine her very own “steel magnolia” – a delicate and fragile little girl, but we’ve never known such determination and resolve.

Speaking of Namine’s resolve, Namine tried to stand up last night, all on her own. She put a cardboard box (maybe five or six inches high) in front of her and, placing her hands on it, used it to push herself up. She got her feet under her, and for a moment – maybe three or four seconds – she stood, bearing her weight on her hands and feet.

3 responses

  1. It’s fantastic that she is learning to stand on her own.

  2. There is NO stopping that miracle child, is there? This put a huge smile on my face!

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