Trick or treat
Namine and I went out trick or treating!
Fall ball concluded
That’s a wrap on the Fall season of Miracle League baseball!
Service project at Zachariah’s Acres
Namine volunteered at Zachariah’s Acres for the start of their community service hours.
Apple picking
We picked the coldest day to go apple picking!
Fall ball
A new fall season of baseball has begun!
Summer baseball season
The summer baseball session has come to an end.
Summer tennis season
Four weeks of tennis have gone by in a flash!
A trip to the tennis court
It was a beautiful day at our local tennis court!
Enchant Christmas
We went to the Enchant Christmas event with a lot of family members!
Nerf war
I was invited to my very first Nerf war!
Trick or treating
My dad accompanied me and Namine while we went trick or treating around the neighborhood, and then some.
FrankenStein’s Haunted Mansion
We had a lot of fun at Variety’s annual trick or treat event at Stein’s!