We always have a lot of fun at the Variety and Stein’s trick or treating. They’ve changed how the event works over the years; it used to be that families could come and go through at any time, but now they request that families sign up for a specific time to arrive. We were a little early for our check-in time, so we went inside Stein’s to look around.
As has been the case in years past, the Racine Zoo was there with a couple animals. There was a leopard gecko named Crackers, and a scorpion whose name I don’t recall.

When it was time for us to check in, we headed back outside to the entrance of the greenhouse, where Variety had set up their trick or treat maze. (It wasn’t a maze in the sense that you had to figure out how to get out, but rather a twisty pathway.) Each year Variety has a theme, and this year’s was Star Wars. There were some great props and costumes!

After we exited the greenhouse, Namine got to pick out a pumpkin.

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