Variety holiday party
We had a great time at the annual Variety holiday party!
Trick or treat
Namine and I went out trick or treating!
Trunk or treat
We took Namine to a local trunk or treat.
Stein’s Trick or Treat
It’s that time of year again, for trick or treating at Stein’s!
Easter games and crafts
We learned about an Easter event at a local (but not to us) church!
Christmas on New Year’s Eve
We had one more Christmas to celebrate, which we did right before the new year!
Our late Christmas
We celebrated our Christmas late, and with an extra family member!
Christmas with Jessica’s family
We celebrated Christmas with Jessica’s family.
Enchant Christmas
We went to the Enchant Christmas event with a lot of family members!
We had a wonderful time with my side of the family for Thanksgiving!
Trick or treating
My dad accompanied me and Namine while we went trick or treating around the neighborhood, and then some.