Trunk or treat

We took Namine to a local trunk or treat.

Here in town, they have a “trunk or treat” prior to the city’s planned trick or treating. Several organizations set up inside the firehouse so children can go from table to table, collecting their haul of candy. It’s also a good way for businesses to spread awareness about themselves to attract future customers.

Namine went to the trunk or treat dressed as a pirate, same as they did for Stein’s trick or treat. Jessica said hi to her coworkers — the child care she works at had set up a table too — and we walked around the firehouse admiring the costumes and setups while Namine collected candy.

An aside: I realize “trunk or treat” is a play on the phrase “trick or treat.” That said, it makes no sense, even putting aside the fact that there were no trunks here. There’s no either-or in this situation. It’s a “trunk and treat.” Rant over.

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