Unlike last year, Namine was feeling well enough for me to take her trick or treating around the neighborhood. The weather was nice too, nice enough to require only a long-sleeved shirt. Namine wore the same piggy costume she wore to the Variety event at Stein’s, with an added touch: a plushy spider pinned to her shirt. With this addendum, she was transformed into Wilbur from Charlotte’s Web.
When we headed out — but before we headed from house to house in earnest — we stopped by the church in our neighborhood. They had their very own trunk or treat going on. Unlike the one in which we participated a few days ago, this one really was a trunk or treat. They literally were serving candy from the trunks of their vehicles.

After all was said and done, to say that we came away with a good haul would be a gross understatement. The weather — beautiful, as I said, if a bit cloudy — allowed us to stay out far later than we ever had before. We didn’t have a route mapped out, exactly, but there was one house that we absolutely wanted to visit.
That house, pictures of whose yard follows, had the most impressive Halloween setup we’ve ever seen. It was circus-themed, populated entirely with skeletons. And not just adult-sized ones; children, animals both fictional and non (see the skeleton unicorns below), and even mermaids could be seen. The house was roughly a mile and a half from our own, but well worth the trip. And, as stated, we amassed quite the amount of candy loot on the way.

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