bulletin board
Valentine’s Day bulletin board
We knew those toilet paper tubes would come in handy.
Halloween bulletin board
We made this year’s Halloween bulletin board!
Back to school
We’ve finally caught up our bulletin board!
Easter bulletin board
It’s been more than a week now since Easter Sunday, and I still haven’t posted about our bulletin board. That’s kind of fitting, since we didn’t even get the board up until the night before Easter.
Valentine’s Day bulletin board
Over the weekend, we took apart our Thanksgiving bulletin board. Now it’s a Valentine’s Day board.
Thanksgiving bulletin board
We’ve updated our bulletin board in a timely manner, for once. :)
Halloween bulletin board
It’s that time again, kids. We decided to take down the Fourth of July bulletin board and do something a little more autumn-appropriate. You know, like Halloween.
Making a bulletin board
Today was my family picnic, but we didn’t go. Jessica was already sick, and with Namine going to Urgent Care last night, we thought it best to stay home. But that didn’t mean we were just going to mope around.
Making biscuits
We were going to make biscuits and gravy yesterday, but I came down with the flu. Since I’m feeling a little better today – by that I mean I felt that I could have more than Jello and 7-Up – we made them tonight.
An intense weekend
Actually, just one tent. Geddit?