We had what might be described as the perfect weekend. No, the ideal weekend is not doing nothing. In fact, it’s the reverse. It’s doing everything – together. We worked, sure, but it’s not work if you’re enjoying yourself, and what better company than those you love?
Namine picked up her own room – as much as she is able, anyway. She still needs the larger boxes moved to their shelves, but she does as much as she can. We had the Allowance Talk, and she is quite excited at the prospect of earning her own money. She lollygags, as children are wont to do, but she’s been doing an excellent job of keeping her room clean.
After all three of us gave the living room, kitchen, and dining room their well-earned and much-needed cleaning, we set about making some crafts. We made a Thanksgiving diorama, complete with cotton-ball clouds and a bright sun (which Namine cut out herself), then we decorated our bulletin board (which was still stuck on Valentines Day – whoops). Anything with sparkles makes Namine’s day, so we used sparkly puffy paint to decorate our bulletin board turkeys.
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