
  • Thanksgiving


    We had a wonderful time with my side of the family for Thanksgiving!

  • Hosting Thanksgiving

    Hosting Thanksgiving

    We tried to host Thanksgiving for both sides of our family, with mixed results.

  • Thanksgiving at home

    Thanksgiving at home

    We spent Thanksgiving here at home, just the three of us. And you know what? It was really nice.

  • Thanksgiving education

    Thanksgiving education

    Namine was happy to explain to her cousins how her legs are different.

  • The most important thing

    The most important thing

    Thanksgiving Day held a surprise in store, but not for us.

  • Thanksgiving bulletin board

    Thanksgiving bulletin board

    We’ve updated our bulletin board in a timely manner, for once. :)

  • Our Thanksgiving

    Our Thanksgiving

    Both Jessica and I are introverts. We are more comfortable with a small number of close friends, we don’t like parties or loud noise (for my part, except for music – but usually with headphones on or by myself in the car), and we treasure our alone-time. Namine exhibits many of the same qualities.

  • An intense weekend

    An intense weekend

    Actually, just one tent. Geddit?

  • Giving thanks

    Currently on this Thanksgiving Day, my two loves are napping. We all ate a lot at Jessica’s sister’s house, and are sufficiently full. I can’t nap – I get a migraine if I do. (As it is, I wake up every day with a headache. But enough of that. You’re here to read about Namine,…

  • Thanksgiving!

    Well I forgot to post last night, so I am doing it today. Paul and I went to go see Namine yesterday. I was finally feeling better, but not today. We got her dressed up in her baby’s first Thanksgiving day outfit, well half of it. She is getting so big that she actually fit…

  • Vent

    Yesterday Paul went after work to see Namine and she was back on the vent. She had a couple of times where she destated and so for her best interest they put her back on the vent. One of the doctors said that they may have been rushing her and they don’t want to do…