First, we had to decide on what color the backdrop would be. We wanted to put a haunted house up, so the backdrop would serve as the sky. We felt it should represent evening, and our blue construction paper was too light. Definitely not spooky enough. Black? No, then we wouldn’t be able to see the outline of the black house.
It was Namine who suggested what is, in retrospect, the most obvious answer: orange. Of course, because not only is orange a Halloween color itself, but often enough the setting sun will light the sky up with oranges and reds. (Or so I’m told; being colorblind, I often have trouble detecting the nuances of the sky’s colors.)

Namine and I started putting our haunted house together. We initially used the glue stick, but it just wasn’t doing the job. We ended up resorting to the stapler much of the time, especially for little things like ghosts and extra house bits.

We had a big black cat, so it had to go in front of the moon. So Namine and Jessica put together a rickety old fence and stood the cat on top.

We had a lot of decorations — including some glow-in-the-dark stars, skeletons, and ghosts — so we put on the board as much as we could fit. My personal favorite is the group of bats (which is referred to as a colony, not a flock) flying away from the haunted house and across the moon.

Here are some close-up shots, for your pleasure.

It wasn’t until after we had finished the board that we realized it was upside down — the rings on which to hang the board were on the bottom of our picture. We thought about trying to lift the paper up and turn it around, but then we remembered that we had stapled so much of the little stuff on, too.
So I carefully balanced the board on the nails in the wall — hoping that it would hold. It did, and it has. We think our new bulletin board looks pretty awesome.

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