This past year was going so well. Then the plague hit our house the beginning of May. Namine was so sick that she spent a day in the hospital, and Paul and I thank our lucky stars and God most of all that it was just one day. If this had been even three years ago we would possibly still be in house. Which would really have thrown a wrench in getting school finished.
Thankfully we have an understanding school, teacher and staff that all involved in Namine’s life. The RVA has been such a blessing to our family. Whenever we see the teachers, principal, even the office staff they are all so happy to see Namine and welcome her with smiles and hugs of love. I know that sounds strange in the world that we live in now. Namine is a light that shines bright in all that she does. We are so very proud of the work that she has done.
On top of doing her normal everyday work for the RVA she is also involved in a home school group called Bright Rising. She would spend a whole day there learning and being taught in different ways than what I did at home. She loved being there and meeting new friends and seeing old friends. She was in a couple theater productions with Bright Rising. She was Juliet in the fourth act in Romeo and Juliet. She also played a couple of people in “The Wizard of Oz.”
On top of all the school that she does, she is also involved in many sports.
Namine has been doing so many things that sometimes we forget to sit and relax, have fun. So get ready for many fun posts to come this summer as Namine explores and learns new things.
But as for now: sayonara!
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