2016 round-up

Another year comes to a close.

Another year has flown by, and we find ourselves busier than ever. Namine is growing up quickly. She finished second grade and, having surpassed her teacher’s expectations for third grade, is now doing some fourth grade work as well. She is learning to swim by herself, and is in dance for the third year. She had a full summer of baseball and basketball, but her favorite sport was sled hockey.

Namine turned eight this past July. Instead of asking for presents, she requested that her guests instead purchase toys for donating to Children’s Hospital. Namine’s many doctors, nurses, and supporting staff have been a blessing to us, and we wouldn’t have the life we have together without them. Namine had been growing her hair out for more than a year, and she recently donated over eight inches.

We had to cancel going to Florida with Paul’s aunt because Namine had a broken leg, but we were able to join his parents in their annual trip to Florida a few months later. We saw manatees in the wild, alligators and wild boar in a state park, and Namine fell in love with the little lizards running around all over the place; and Namine swam in the Gulf for the first time.

For the first time this year, we rented a piece of equipment, part wheelchair and part bicycle, called a Bike Buddy. Paul and Namine would ride for hours during the summer on the bike trails. They also ran in Briggs & Al’s Run & Walk in September with family and friends.

In spite of Namine’s broken leg earlier this year, she’s spent much less time in the hospital than in years past. But starting next year, she will have some more work to be done on her jaw.

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