Namine woke up screaming this morning around 4:00. Then she threw up – but by then she was in my arms, and I was prepared for it. We eventually got her to go back to sleep, nestled in between the two of us in what Namine calls “the big bed.” (You know, as opposed to “my very own bed.”)
Namine woke up because the pain in her right ear was excruciating. When she had calmed down, she insisted that her ear was the only thing that hurt. We had been afraid that she might be hurt somewhere else, as well; that turns out not to be the case. Jessica called the ENT on-call doctor, who told us to come in at the normal time. (Namine already had a follow-up appointment with ENT because she already had an ear infection. It was believed to be more or less taken care of, but this morning put paid to that.)
After therapy, Namine had the ENT appointment. They sucked out her ear (which is nothing new) and prescribed ear drops. All things considered, Namine is taking it fairly well. She asked for some Motrin before bed, which I was happy to give her. I’d like to ease whatever pain she’s in; I can do so little, but Namine recognizes even that small gesture as an act of love.
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