
  • Better and worse

    Better and worse

    When Jessica gets sick, we hope she doesn’t need to be put on antibiotics because she’s allergic to so many. Namine has quite a few medical allergies, but not as many as Jessica. Yet.

  • Sickness


    After such a busy day yesterday, we thought that today would be a little more relaxed. We were wrong.

  • ENT and therapy

    ENT and therapy

    We took Namine in to see her ENT doctor today. She’s been complaining of her ear bothering her, so we feared the worst: an ear infection. Fortunately, that turned out to not be the case.

  • Massive ear infection

    Namine woke up screaming this morning around 4:00. Then she threw up – but by then she was in my arms, and I was prepared for it. We eventually got her to go back to sleep, nestled in between the two of us in what Namine calls “the big bed.” (You know, as opposed to…

  • Past the fear

    Past the fear

    I have a lot to catch up on, what with a busy, full weekend to catch up on. That being said, I’m going to split this stuff up into a few posts. I’m sure no one wants to read a novel. ;)

  • Miscommunication


    Namine is a smart girl. What she doesn’t understand outright – and there isn’t much, her vocabulary is probably in the hojillions – she tends to pick up from context. Before you know it, she’s using words, phrases, and expressions beyond what you’d expect from a three year old. But sometimes she totally misses the…

  • Hospital time

    Hospital time

    On Friday Jessica had a bone marrow biopsy. Let me back up a bit. Her platelets have been low for some time – for several years, if the doctor is correct. This had never come to our attention; so Jessica had to have a blood test done. Its results were inconclusive, thus the biopsy.

  • An ear miss

    An ear miss

    Oh, don’t look at me like that. I couldn’t help it. Anyway, Namine had an impromptu ENT clinic visit yesterday. The night before, we thought we saw some drainage, much to our dismay. So we took her in.

  • Improvement


    Last week Namine had another (yes, another) ENT clinic appointment. Since Jessica was busy being The Amazing Human Taxi for her mom, it fell to me to take the munchkin to the hospital. Of course, I’d gladly do so anyway.

  • Pending ear surgery?

    Pending ear surgery?

    Namine needing surgery on her ear is not a sure thing, not yet at least. After yet another ENT visit today, though, I think they’re as tired as we are. But I think no one is quite as tired of this as Namine. She threw up when she saw the doctor.

  • Tossing cookies

    Tossing cookies

    I’m not talking about juggling confectionary treats, nosirree. We suspect that Namine has caught a bug of some kind, possibly flu. It is her bad luck – and ours – that she needed to throw up when we had only one spare set of clothes, and on a day of multiple clinic appointments.

  • Pushing back the infection

    Pushing back the infection

    Yesterday Namine had another ENT appointment, once again to suck out her ear. But this time it wasn’t just the right ear – both had to be taken care of, but it’s not all bad. The process sucks, but it’s for the best.