January 2009
Home On Monday!
Hello Everyone, Namine is coming home on Monday, February 2nd. Great Grandpa has a great birthday present:) Namine is doing well. She has recovered surprisingly well after having this heart surgery. She is down to 30% oxygen not only on the vent but on her trac collar and doing fabulous. She is stating in the…
Forth to the fourth
Hey everybody. Namine has been moved up to the 4th floor. This seemed like a pretty sudden thing, since Jessica got to the PICU room yesterday and they said, “hey, we’re moving her upstairs!” But actually, the doctors tell us that recovery time after the glen procedure is a lot shorter than it was after…
Almost all tubes out. Also, pink!
So Namine’s trach was put back in, making her a much happier baby. Her chest drainage tubes were also removed; her left and right arterial lines were removed, but the one in her arm is still in. They also made sure that her new G-tube is in correctly before they start feeding her. They may…
Post Tube Addition
After they put an additional drainage tube in, Namine’s stats improved significantly. Her temperature is a little high, but that may just be an effect of having surgery (especially heart surgery). She was still quite sleepy while we were visiting her, although she did open her eyes a few times, only to decide we weren’t…
Another Chest Tube
This morning the hospital called us. Namine ‘s chest was draining some more fluid, so they decided to put another tube in to control the drainage. Other than that, she’s doing fine.
Surgery Finished!
Namine completed her second heart surgery — and first open heart surgery — the Glenn procedure.
Surgery Finally
Namine is going on Tuesday finally for her heart surgery that has been long awaited. She is the first case on Tuesday morning. Namine had a hematoma on her right arm that burst on Thursday night. It was full of green and yellow puss and bled quite a bit, so they have it dressed up.…
Surgery Tuesday
Well, change of plans. Again. The doctors tell us that – for sure, now – Namine will be going for her heart surgery this Tuesday at 7:30 am. Jessica and I are none too happy about all the changes and about-faces that the hospital has done with Namine, but it looks like things are finally…
No Surgery Thursday
I went to the hospital today after work, and asked to talk to the cardiology department. (Let me catch you up here, in case you don’t know.)
Namine is scheduled for her heart surgery next Thursday. They had her on the schedule for this Friday but her surgeon was going to be out of town over the weekend and he wasn’t comfortable with that so they moved her surgery. It is going to be a scary one. I know that the last…