Cover2 is officially live!
Now available on, after 4 months in the review queue.
Cover 1.8.2
I’ve updated Cover to support version 2 of Algolia’s search plugin.
Dreaming in code
I’ve been working on version 1.0.7 of Cover2 lately, and I just fixed a bug. The funny thing is, I didn’t even know about this bug.
Vertical fixed navigation
I added another feature to Cover2.
Morphing SVGs
I pushed out what I think is a pretty cool feature to my Cover2 theme.
Cover 1.8.1
What will probably be the last release of Cover is available now.
Cover2 for WordPress
Introducing the new version of the Cover theme for WordPress.
Inline SVGs in WordPress themes
I’m working on a new WordPress theme, favoring an SVG sprite over an icon font. It definitely comes with its own set of new challenges.
Cover 1.8
I’m pleased to announce that the latest version of Cover for WordPress is available for download.
Cover 1.7.1
What started out as a bug fix turned into a partial rewrite.
Cover 1.7
The latest point release of my WordPress theme fixes a number of bugs and introduces the start of some new features.
Introducing ColouRandom, a child theme of Twenty Sixteen.