Braces tightening
A routine tightening of Namine’s braces brought with it the opportunity to choose a new color!
Tightening braces
Namine’s mouth is a little sore, but otherwise her dentist appointment went fine.
The day has come: Namine has her braces. Well, mostly.
Dental checkup
You’d think that just a checkup and x-ray prior to getting braces would be pretty standard, right? Yeah, you’d think so, but you’d be wrong.
Tooth extraction recovery, again
Namine is feeling much better after having her teeth pulled, so we spent the day taking down the Christmas decorations.
Tooth extraction, again
Namine had the remaining two teeth pulled so she can get braces.
Tooth extraction recovery
Namine is slowly getting better after having two teeth removed.
Tooth extraction
Namine had two teeth on the right side of her mouth extracted.
Dental appointment
Our visit with the orthodontist was less than stellar. We were hoping to be one step closer to Namine getting her braces, but we seem to be trapped in hospital purgatory.
Dental appointment
Namine had a dental checkup today. The time for her jaw expansion draws ever closer, but not as close as we thought.
Another lost tooth
One of Namine’s bottom teeth fell out.
Gross things to do in a restaurant
Amid running errands on Saturday, we went to Cousins for lunch. Nothing is ever boring or mundane.