Namine has participated in ballet through Anita’s Dance in Muskego, Wisconsin, and the Milwaukee Ballet’s Tour de Force program.
Ballet Beat
Namine and her dance instructor wrote the choreography for a new dance at the Milwaukee Ballet’s annual summer program.
Beauty & the Beast ballet
We attended the Milwaukee Ballet’s performance of Beauty & the Beast!
Last ballet session
The ballet class’s season has come to an end too soon.
Ballet is back!
Namine was thrilled to join in-person ballet class again!
Back to dance
After a long time apart, Milwaukee Ballet has resumed in-person Tour de Force!
Coronavirus cancellations
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, multiple events Namine had planned to be in have been canceled.
Tour de Force kickoff
A new season of Tour de Force ballet is starting soon. That means a brand new kickoff party and show!
Namine attended the Nutcracker with her friends from ballet class!
Tour de Force kickoff
A new season of ballet has begun! ♿🩰
iSACRA Awareness Day
June 6 is iSACRA Awareness Day, a day for members to show their pride in who they are. ♿
Tour de Force on TMJ4
A local news station did another piece on the Milwaukee Ballet’s Tour de Force program!
Tour de Force recital
The Tour de Force ballet classes gave their performances in front of family and friends. ♿