Shalom Wildlife Zoo

We took Namine to a different kind of zoo!

Usually when we go to the zoo, there’s a lot of walking (and wheeling, in Namine’s case) involved. When we joined Jessica’s sisters, brother-in-law, and Namine’s cousin in visiting the Shalom Wildlife Zoo, however, we rode in a golf cart. And good thing, too, because if we’d walked it would have taken us much longer to go through. As it was, we still didn’t see everything!

There wasn’t anywhere we could put Namine’s wheelchair in the golf cart, so we left it behind near the entrance. When she wanted to get out and see the animals closer than we could get on the road — more like a wide gravel trail, I guess — I picked her up and carried her.

Speaking of that gravel road, that’s another good reason why not to bring her wheelchair. She would have had a heck of a time navigating that loose gravel.

We saw quite the wide variety of wildlife on our trip through the zoo, from camels, emu (is it the same word singular and plural?), and foxes to Guinea pigs, mountain goats, and wolves.

We even saw some wildlife that weren’t planned, like a chipmunk who was totally used to seeing people and even a silk worm hanging from a tree high above.

Jessica and her sisters had the opportunity to feed some animals, including caribou (I think that’s another animal that has the same word for singular and plural) and camels. Although I’m pretty sure Jessica was the only one to get bit — twice.

As it turned out, two hours with the golf cart wasn’t enough. We were getting pretty close to that time when we were only about halfway through the zoo, so we had to just drive back and skip a whole lot of animal pens. When we returned, the zoo employee behind the counter said we weren’t the only ones who had to hurry back.

We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day on which to visit a zoo. We definitely can’t wait for the opportunity to return!

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