August 2015
Grunt, Autoprefixer, and sourcemaps
So I discovered that in my workflow, my CSS sourcemaps were not generating.
Hot air balloons
A trip south to see hot air balloons ended in disappointment, but we still had fun.
School orientation
We attended the orientation for Namine’s school year.
Panel View for Keep 3.0
Here’s a new version of my Chrome extension, completely rewritten.
On tab detachment and reattachment
As I was testing my upcoming release of Panel View for Keep, I came across a strange bug.
Back to school
We’ve finally caught up our bulletin board!
At one point or another, we all realize our heroes are not what we once thought.
Namine got her hair trimmed today.
Just another day at work
This has nothing to do with the beer in the vending machine, I promise.
Mystery illness
It’s been nearly a week, and we’re still no closer to understanding why Namine is sick.
Dress fitting
Namine was measured for her Make A Wish dress.
State Fair
Namine got to go to the Wisconsin State Fair not once, not twice, but three times.