August 2014
The kindness of strangers
We took Namine to a little water park today, and she loved it.
Foot stretching
The pain is always there, but Namine rarely talks about it.
For the past couple days Namine has had playdates, and she couldn’t have been happier.
Bad timing
Namine’s cardiologist had great news. His timing, on the other hand, not so much.
Training a child
We were in the car on Sunday, headed to the grocery store. “Daddy,” Namine said, “can you play the crystal Jesus song?”
Hospital surprises
Namine’s frenulectomy has come and gone with no surprises. This is good; when it comes to surgery, we don’t like surprises. We did receive an unpleasant surprise on the day of surgery, however.
Our ALS ice bucket challenge
It’s been more than the typical “24 hours to respond” since Jessica and I got our nominations to participate in the ice bucket challenge for ALS awareness, but here we are.
On donating to ALSA
For those of us who don’t support embryonic stem cell research.
Namine’s ALS ice bucket challenge
Namine was challenged by her friend Beanie from therapy to do the ALS awareness ice bucket challenge. Here’s her video.
Home again
We made it home safely from the hospital. Namine is doing well, and in no pain.
Frenulectomy complete
Namine is in recovery now, and she’s doing well. Her airway looks good, and we expect her to wake up soon.
Namine has a bronchoscopy and possible partial frenulotomy.