We’re home, home at last. We had been afraid that after having her frenulum clipped, Namine would need to be kept overnight at the hospital. But with her oxygen saturation keeping steady at 95, even while asleep, that proved to be unnecessary.
Namine’s sore throat, caused by being intubated, lasted for another few hours after we left the hospital. We stopped to get some dinner, which she ate in its entirety (much to our surprise). We had been warned that she would most likely be in pain — it was under her tongue, after all — and would not want to eat anything that did not start with “p” and end in “opsickle.” Spicy and salty things, especially, would not offer much comfort.
But Namine, as usual, defied what the doctors expected of her. She didn’t ask for anything special, being content with food we already had in the fridge. When asked if anything hurt, she said no. Whether that was true or whether she was just ignoring the pain, we’ll never know. If she deems the pain insignificant and it’s not affecting her, she won’t complain of it and we know better than pursue it. She’d just stonewall us, anyway.
When her bath was done with and we had prayed, she got herself into bed. She gathered up a couple stuffed unicorns and laid down, waiting for me to cover her up. “Wrap me like a taco, Daddy!” she said, smiling at me.
I gave my amazing daughter a kiss goodnight, and she returned it. As I left her room, turning off her light, she called me one more time. I turned, and she blew me a kiss. I caught it and blew her one in return. Namine raised her hand, closing it around my invisible kiss. “I got it, Daddy!” She put her closed fist over her heart. “I’ll put it here, safe in my heart.”
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