My Aunt CR came across some pictures and videos of Namine from 2010. Man, was she a little peanut.
These are from July of 2010, before Namine was decannulated, so she still had her tracheostomy. She had never tried pizza before, and thus began her great love for it.
And here Namine tries blueberry kuchen — which we lovingly refer to as “blueboob kuchen,” but don’t ask me why — and discovers, yes, this is delicious too.
The ramp
These are from September of 2010, where Namine’s first physical therapist Kathy, may she rest in peace, taught Namine how to climb up the ramp to the couch. Of course, this was back when we had a couch, and Namine was not tall or strong enough to pull herself up with her arms.
Namine’s kisses
I don’t even know why Jessica was telling Namine to lick my nose. Things just kind of got out of hand from there.
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