July 2013
A love of reading
Namine is thrilled about most things that, in so doing, indicate that she is a “big girl.” Not so with chapter books, though. She has no desire to read a book just because it has chapters. In this way she is much like me; a book must pull me in, it must interest me. So…
Heart surgery next month
We were supposed to have an appointment with cardiology on Friday, but it was cancelled – not by us, though. The nurse called Jessica and said that the doctor had already discussed everything with us that needed to be discussed. There was no point in another appointment, and they would let us know when they…
Sprinklers, pretzels, and cream puffs
Seating clinic
Namine has had a lot of clinic appointments lately, the latest being at the seating clinic. The appointment at the seating clinic, where Namine goes for measurements and fittings for the wheelchair and walker, went well.
Keep extension update
In an attempt to get my Google Keep extension accepted once again into the Chrome web store, I have rebranded it. In the meantime, however, I have updated it to version 1.7 and committed the changes to its Github project. Read on for change highlights.
Namine’s birthday pictures
Dental clinic
Namine had a dental appointment late this morning. This is the first appointment with her new dentist; she graduated, according to the hospital, and she liked this one better.
ENT clinic
Namine had an appointment today at the ENT clinic. These are always the most dreaded, out of all the appointments she could have, especially when there is a good possibility that her ears will need to be sucked out. Fortunately, that turned out not to be the case.
Namine’s first Icee
Home for the Fourth
After coming home from the hospital, we had planned on staying home since we figured that Namine would not be feeling up to going anywhere. We were wrong.
Stronger with you
Namine is terrified of what hospital staff often call “pokes.” But she knows them for what they are: needles. Needles to give fluids or take blood away. But all they really do is bring pain, so much pain that they send a normally very well-behaved little girl into the most violent of tantrums. That’s not…
Going home
After rounds this morning, Namine’s doctors decided to let her go home. The only thing that hasn’t come back is the blood culture, and that will be another forty-right hours. (They don’t believe anything will come back positive anyway; it was just another precaution.) So as soon as the nurse brings us the discharge papers,…