June 2013
New Chrome extension
I’ve pushed out my new Chrome extension. Check out some screens.
Father’s Day weekend
Father’s Day weekend Jon and I had the great pleasure of having Namine spend the day and night with us. We mostly stayed around the house, playing outside. She loves playing in her playhouse “cooking” us dinner, drawing with chalk, scooting up and down the ramp, and, of course, swinging! That girl could swing for…
Aaand it’s gone.
Okay, it turns out that Namine is scheduled for the 2nd after all. le sigh
Reschedules all up ins
When Namine’s heart catheterization was scheduled for July 2, it was only because that was the only opening. Even so, we’ve had plenty of experience with Children’s Hospital rescheduling us with hardly a moment’s notice. We were rightl to be apprehensive.
Cath Before the Fontan
We’re trying to schedule Namine’s heart catheterization for the Fontan.
Bicycle, bicycle!
Load up the Queen song, because we’re going to rock out! 🚲
Sleeping on the floor
I have taken apart Namine’s bed. Her mattress now sits upon the floor, and she loves it – much to my surprise, actually. You see, we are giving Namine’s bed, which started life as a crib and transformed into a toddler bed, to Jessica’s friend Emilie, who is expecting a little girl in July.
The hazards of summer
Namine is being eaten by a dinosaur. Scary!
Flying dream
Namine just called me in to tell me that she’d had a dream about flying.
A spaceship for Aunt Lydia
“What are you drawing, Namine?” “A spaceship.” “Why are you drawing a spaceship?” “It’s for Aunt Lydia, because she’s singing in space.” “I think Aunt Lydia might just be singing in Europe.” “Yes. She’s singing in Europe, in space.”
Amazing little girl
Because I can never get enough of seeing Namine do what they said she’d never be able to.
Speech appointment
I completely forgot to write about Namine’s speech pathology appointment last week. I wasn’t able to go myself, but Jessica took Namine and told me about it later. I regret to report that the pathologist is still an idiot.