If you’ve ever been to the Outlet Mall in Oshkosh, you know it’s big. It’s an outdoor mall, basically a big circle. Jessica, my aunt, Namine, and I spent a good few hours walking around. We needed to find some new pants for Namine, in preparation for her new casts.
The first time Namine had casts, we had to get (read: make) some Velcro pants for her. That way, we didn’t have to struggle to get her casted legs to fit in pant legs. Namine’s legs are more mobile now, and it being summertime (well, close to it), large shorts ought to do it. We did buy one outfit into which Namine might be able to fit her casted legs, but for the most part, we settled on dresses. It seemed to make the most sense.
But that’s not really the point of tonight’s post. I wanted to talk about how adept Namine has gotten at navigating in her wheelchair. She’s come a long way from barely being able to make turns, that’s for sure. I’m posting a video of her wandering one of the clothing stores (Carter’s? Gymboree? I don’t remember. They all blur together) while Jessica and Aunt CR looked at potential cast-friendly clothes.
The video is hosted on Picasa, so unfortunately I don’t have a way to embed it directly. Enjoy.
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