Double inlet left ventricle heart defect
Double inlet left ventricle is a heart defect that is present from birth. It affects the valves and chambers of the heart. Children born with this condition have only one working pumping chamber in their heart.
Cyst removal recovery
Namine was discharged from the hospital, and much sooner than expected.
Cyst removal
Namine’s cyst removal was successful, but she did not have either hernia removed.
Surgery preparedness
We met virtually with the doctor organizing Namine’s upcoming three-part surgery.
Presentation at MCW
Jessica, Namine, and I gave our annual talk on equipment and accessibility at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
Talk at the Medical College
It’s that time again! We were asked back to the Medical College of Wisconsin to give our yearly talk on equipment and accessibility.
Covid booster
Namine was finally able to get her third Covid shot.
CHD awareness week
Let’s talk about CHD awareness.
Mindfulness and medication
Sometimes we need help remembering the “why,” and that’s okay.
Namine’s second Covid vaccine
Namine has gotten her second COVID-19 vaccination shot. It did not go as smoothly this time.
Namine’s first Covid vaccine
Despite our trepidation on the matter, Namine has received the first of two COVID-19 vaccination shots.
Independence Day celebrations
We spent two days celebrating the fourth of July with both sides of the family!
Heart checkup
Namine had her bi-annual appointment with her cardiologist. Her heart is healthy and doing well.