Double inlet left ventricle heart defect
Double inlet left ventricle is a heart defect that is present from birth. It affects the valves and chambers of the heart. Children born with this condition have only one working pumping chamber in their heart.
Independence Day celebrations
We spent two days celebrating the fourth of July with both sides of the family!
Heart checkup
Namine had her bi-annual appointment with her cardiologist. Her heart is healthy and doing well.
Heart visit and liver ultrasound
Namine had a cardiology appointment followed by a liver ultrasound.
Good bye braces, hello retainer
After a shorter timeline than expected, Namine’s braces have been removed!
Dental appointment
We received some unexpected news at Namine’s brace tightening.
Heart echo
Namine had her yearly echocardiogram and heart checkup.
Video doctor appointment
Namine had her first virtual checkup.
Al’s Run
We ran, walked, and wheeled in Briggs & Al’s Run in support of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin!
Cardiology checkup
Namine had a routine cardiology checkup today. She is doing well, but we learned of a potential future complication.
State Fair
On the very last day of it being open, we made it to the Wisconsin State Fair!
Cardiac MRI
A routine heart scan ended up being a pretty major milestone for Namine.
Team Up For Fun Camp
For four days, Namine attended an accessible camp designed for children with disabilities. ♿