Namine’s second Covid vaccine

Namine has gotten her second COVID-19 vaccination shot. It did not go as smoothly this time.

person holding injection

Last month, Namine got her first Covid vaccination. Since Jessica and I had already gotten ours — and got sick in the short term from them — we had warned her that she too might get sick shortly after her first shot. As it turned out, she never did. The worst she suffered was a sore arm, and even that didn’t last long.

Namine was not so fortunate the second time around. She felt fine during the day — fine enough to attend the art camp that she started earlier this week — but she started to feel its effects that evening. By the next morning, she was not feeling well at all so we kept her home for a day of rest and chicken soup. By the end of the day she was feeling better, so she’s planning on going back to art camp.

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