The department in Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin that oversees Namine’s care is called Complex Care. They had their annual picnic at the Summerfest grounds, perhaps better known as Henry Maier Festival Park. There was food provided, and the kids (and adults) had free reign of the accessible playground before (and after) eating.
We haven’t been to the Summerfest grounds in quite some time. I wasn’t even aware they were building an accessible park, much less that it had been completed. There were, of course, some things that Namine wouldn’t have been able to do, like climb on the monkey bars or go down the slides.
But there was plenty she was able to do. She was able to traverse the entire thing, since the playground had ramp access from one end to the other. There was an accessible merry-go-round, which I was happy to push as Namine held on (making sure that her brakes were locked). There was also a variety of large musical instruments that all three of us had fun playing.

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