We started early this time. We got to Chicago by 9:30 and took in all of the amazing sites. Every year the girls are so amazed at how tall the buildings are, and how many people are swimming in the streets.
Our first stop is always to use the bathroom. So we asked each other how many times we would go up and down the elevator. If you count the time I went up and down the escalator, we were in the elevator 5 times. It was so fun!
We always check out the new girl of the year along with all of the girls of the years past. We compare what the girls are wearing and what our girls are wearing. It’s fun seeing all of the clothes, accessories, and worlds that they have for each girl.
This year they added a bunch of touchscreens where you can customize a girl. Skin color, eye color, hair color, hair style, face shape, clothes, and probably even more that I can’t remember could all be changed to your liking.

I have to clear something up. At the beginning of the article I said our girls, I meant Namine and her cousin Olivia. All the other times I mentioned girls I was speaking of American girl dolls.

After looking, playing and using the bathroom. It was time for lunch. Which was a good thing because some of us were getting hangry. It was so good to have lunch. The pink trees, the pink flowers, it was all so beautiful! Our waiter was so fun. We ordered our lunch and he gave me a birthday crown. It was so much fun. They gave birthday gifts to Namine and Olivia, Ann and I were sad we didn’t get one. They sang Happy Birthday and brought cake.

After lunch we walked and looked at more and more things. The last thing on our list was to decorate cookies. Namine and Olivia got three cookies each to decorate and take home. They also got a box to decorate to put their cookies in.

Then it was time to go home. We were at American Girl for six hours. The traffic was a little crazy and a lot of stop and go, so the girls made a game out of it and they were pretending they were on an airplane with turbulence. It was cute. I can’t wait to go next year.
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