When we asked Namine what she wanted to do for her birthday, she said she wanted to have a tea party with her friends. She originally wanted to do it at American Girl in Chicago, but frankly, we couldn’t afford that.
Jessica found a nice place, though, called Watt’s. They do tea parties, and at a more (ahem) reasonably priced rate for a seven year old’s birthday party. The girls still brought their American Girl Dolls and still had tea with them. Namine has been looking forward to this a great deal, and she had a blast.

The girls had different drinks to choose from. Most of them chose lemonade, but Namine (true to her birthday wish) chose tea. They each got three finger sandwiches. The sandwiches were ham, turkey and pbj. The list of teas and drinks the girls could pick from were phenomenal. Even though Namine picked tea she picked ice and it was delicious. All of the girls sat at one one table, while the adults sat another. They did a splendid job pouring their own tea from their own little ceramic tea pot, or lemonade. As a test to how good the sandwiches were that the girls received, everyone ate all of their lunch.

After the girls finished their tea and finger sandwiches, it was time for cake. The girls didn’t just a piece of cake they got a big piece of cake and a chef special which was a s’mores bar, and man it was tasty. On the top of the cake as decoration was an edible orchid. Namine asked if she could eat it and the waitress said yes, it tastes like lettuce. So being the brave girl that she is she tasted it. She looked right at the waitress and said this doesn’t taste like any ordinary flower. We all asked her how many flowers she has eaten lately and she just looked at us like we were crazy.
Then, Namine opened her presents. All of her friends gathered around and as she opened her presents with excitement. She got some really cool arts and crafts projects to do as well as some new ponies to add to her myriad of ponies. She also was super excited about some new American girl doll things. She got some sunglasses and doggies to go with her dolls.
If you are looking for a traditional tea party I highly recommend Watt’s in downtown Milwaukee. They were very accommodating. If you like the tea that you drank you can buy the loose tea and take it home. Our experience has taught us that you don’t need to travel two hours away for a great tea party. We will be going back.

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