Sleeping Namine

My friend Matt came home from Guam a couple weeks ago. He came over tonight so we could hang out for a while before he has to go back. Unfortunately, we didn’t think to take his picture with Namine until after she was asleep. I tried waking her up, but that didn’t really work. When…

But look how she’s grown! Our little love is not so little anymore.

Jessica and Namine had a rare free day today. Naturally, the both of them were still in their pajamas when I got home. “Of course!” Jessica told me. “Today was a pajama day.”


But they didn’t do nothing today. No, they made peanut butter cookies! Some with chocolate chip, and some without. They played Go Fish (and Namine got a little frumpy when she wasn’t winning, and happy again when she was) and hide & seek, and generally chillaxed. A good day.

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