October 2012

  • Choco-Namine


    What’s even better than little girls? Chocolate little girls.

  • UI experiment

    UI experiment

    In my free time, I’ve been working on a little UI demo. I had this idea for using Bootstrap as a base, in order to imitate the Facebook mobile interface. I think it turned out pretty well.

  • Pumpkin carving

    Pumpkin carving

    A couple days ago, Namine and carved her first pumpkin.

  • Fearless


    It wasn’t Namine’s first birthday party – that honor was given to her friend from HealthReach last year, I think – but it was her first time in a dance studio.

  • A stay at home kind of day

    A stay at home kind of day

    Namine’s staying home from therapy today due to her not feeling well. I only wish I could have, too. Both Jessica and I are feeling pretty much what Namine is feeling – stuffy, boogery, just all-around congested. We went to Urgent Care last night to see if we – Jessica and I – needed to…

  • Our first parent-teacher conference

    Our first parent-teacher conference

    So yesterday evening, Jessica and I met with Namine’s teacher and school-appointed speech therapist. It went well, I thought, all things considered. I still hold to the opinion that Miss Merrie has too many children to watch, and so cannot pay enough attention to any one in particular, thus short-changing all of them.

  • Field trip

    Field trip

    Namine went on a field trip with her class yesterday to a pumpkin farm. My dad had the pleasure of going with her, but apparently he’s too busy to write about it. Fine, I’ll just post the pictures he took.

  • The concept of “normal”

    The concept of “normal”

    “Normal” is a funny word. You might think it means one thing – such as the dictionary definition, which is, according to Dictionary.com, “conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural” – but that idea can change. The first three definitions there do not describe Namine in the least. Of…

  • A little attitude goes a long way

    A little attitude goes a long way

    Namine, being a headstrong and willful child, can be quite, as my sister puts it, ‘tudey. But that attitude, far from being a bad thing, is what has made her so strong. And, of course, she employs her determination in more than just sassing off.

  • Urology appointment

    Urology appointment

    We met today with Dr. Mesrobian, Namine’s urologist, to discuss the results of the tests done a while back. We had a pretty decent idea of what to expect coming into the meeting. I’ll be frank here: we’re talking about potty training here, so if you don’t want to hear the potty talk, don’t click…

  • ENT clinic

    ENT clinic

    Yesterday we had a clinic visit with Namine’s ENT doctor, Dr. Sulman. The meeting’s purpose was to talk about the clipping Namine’s frenulum (the webbing under her tongue), since she’s tongue-tied. I think the meeting went rather well.

  • A hard night

    A hard night

    Namine had a rough night.