April 2012
Little fingerprints
Last night, before putting Namine to bed, Namine gave Jessica kisses. By the time she had finished hugging and kissing, Jessica’s glasses were sufficiently smudged. After I tucked Namine in and came back out into the living room, Jessica showed her glasses to me. “Look at this. All I can see are her little fingerprints.”…
Foot surgery canceled
Title says it all, guys. Namine’s orthopedic doctor is sick, so Tuesday’s surgery has been canceled until further notice. We’ll probably reschedule it tomorrow or the day after.
Reminding myself
As if we don’t have enough on our minds, right? One of the things we’re apprehensive about – with Namine’s foot surgery approaching on Tuesday – is the setback. The setback of not being able to walk, of having the extra weight (not to mention the pain, although silly me, I just did) of the…
One step ahead
Namine’s foot surgery is a week from tomorrow. The week prior to any surgery is fraught with second thoughts, dread, and frayed nerves. Are we doing the right thing? How do we know? These are just a couple of the questions that plague us – they plague us every time. We second-guess ourselves, but at…
On casts and pants
If you’ve ever been to the Outlet Mall in Oshkosh, you know it’s big. It’s an outdoor mall, basically a big circle. Jessica, my aunt CR, Namine, and I spent a good few hours walking around. We needed to find some new pants for Namine, in preparation for her new casts.
Pajama day
Between therapy and doctor & clinic appointments, Namine is one busy kiddo.
Scrollable menus in Bootstrap
Okay kids, it’s geek time. I discovered a limitation in the dropdown menu when I was tooling around in Bootstrap. I found a way around it that preserved the look and didn’t require me to rewrite the markup, so I thought I’d share.
Ortho appointment today
Ortho appointments aren’t nearly the horror story they used to be, thanks to our switch to Dr. Black from he-who-must-not-be-named. (I’m not kidding. We don’t mention him by name because Namine has panic attacks when she hears it.) Today we met with Dr. Black in order to find out about her next surgery. There is…
A sad day
I have some bad news. A friend of Jessica’s just lost her baby. I’ll let you read it in Stacy’s own words. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. caringbridge.org/visit/justinshrum