November 2008
Well I forgot to post last night, so I am doing it today. Paul and I went to go see Namine yesterday. I was finally feeling better, but not today. We got her dressed up in her baby’s first Thanksgiving day outfit, well half of it. She is getting so big that she actually fit…
Yesterday Paul went after work to see Namine and she was back on the vent. She had a couple of times where she destated and so for her best interest they put her back on the vent. One of the doctors said that they may have been rushing her and they don’t want to do…
Off Vent
Hello Everyone,I just wanted to let you all know that we are still in the hospital, but definitely on our way home again. They took Namine off of the C-Pap yesterday and she is doing excellent. She is till on quite a bit of oxygen, but they are slowly weening her down. She has come…
Getting better
Hello all. Namine is still in the PICU, but she’s getting better. She’s smiley again today – a big change for the better! They’re weening her off the vent, so hopefully we’ll be able to come home soon. The emptiness of home without her is too much. It hurts, missing her. night and daythere’s a…
Dear Family and Friends,We have re-entered the hospital. We are in the PICU again. Namine started to have more secretions and became really tired and some what irritable. Namine was doing ok until Thursday morning when she started to have to be suctioned at least every hour if not more than that with all of…
I wrote you all a book
Okay, kids. It’s been a little while, but I think it’s time for an update. You know by now that Namine is home. Actually, she’s been home for a week and a day, and her mom and I are exhausted. Happy, but tired none the less. On Friday (I think. The days blur together) we…
Home again home again Jigidy jig:)
YAY!!! Were are home, as you have read from the previous post. Our first night was a little rough, but we got through it. Paul was the one that I thought wouldn’t hear any of her alarms because he sleeps like a brick, but that wasn’t the case. It was me that slept through the…
It is now quarter after four in the afternoon, and Namine is asleep. Asleep, and in her own crib – at long last!