If you remember Namine had to have the Fontan back in August. It has been a long journey. She should have started Kindergarten in the fall but surgery was a little more important. Namine’s health has a taken a backslide since the surgery. As has been written about in the past by Paul.
So let’s get back to school. With Namine’s immune system being weakened a brick and mortar school just would not have helped her in the healing process. I met a lady at therapy who told me about the RVA school. RVA stands for Rural Virtual Academy. I thought about it but I didn’t do anything at first. As the next couple of months went on I thought Namine could really do some schoolwork. So I asked this lady again for the information and talked it over with Paul and we thought it would be good fit for Namine. So we went through all of the necessary paperwork to get her enrolled.
We started with the Spring curriculum but it was a little too advanced for Namine at the time. So we talked it over with Namine’s teacher and switched her to the Fall curriculum. She excelled like rain coming off the roof. She just blew through papers and days like no one’s business. We would finish two days in one day, if I felt we were behind. Namine had her PALS test and I went in worrying. I was so worried that they were going to tell Namine she would have to repeat Kindergarten or stay on track or something. When I talked to the teacher afterwards Ms. Brown Told me that Namine is right on track for starting First grade in the fall. I was super surprised. I couldn’t believe it. We had only gone through about a month of curriculum, if that.
Paul and I decided that we would ask Namine’s teacher Ms. Sara if we could switch to the spring curriculum and see how it goes this time. Ms. Sara agreed and we switched. Again I was worried that Namine was going to start having anxiety over school work. We started slow and as we moved I realized that Namine is more then ready so we speeded up the process and just kept plugging away at the days. Namine has now done about weeks worth of work in a couple of days. We are a little behind because she needs to catch up on her videos that go along with the worksheets.
Namine is moving down the academic road to greatness. She is sounding out words and reading and writing and figuring all things out that are perplexing. She is such a great student. I can only wish the best and worry when it is time to worry:) She will be ready for first grade in the fall. I can’t believe we will have a first grader.
I am so proud of our miracle baby that God has given us.

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