Why we homeschool
If you’re a parent — or you know a parent — who is having trouble with your child’s school, there are other options.
State testing and IEPs
Since she’s homeschooled, Namine doesn’t have an IEP. But as we approach the time for her first state testing, we need to make sure certain accommodations can be met for her.
IEP season
As the year goes on, I am beginning to see news about IEPs from many of the special needs folks whom I follow on various social networks. I do not envy them.
Friends new and old
Jessica, Namine, and I made the drive up to Medford for Namine’s school orientation (which she’s been calling her “ornamentation”) today. We had a great time.
Lies, damned lies, and IEPs
We thought we were past the lunacy of IEPs. We were wrong.
IEP, again
Jessica and I had the IEP meeting – reevaluation? I’m not sure exactly – this morning. So we had a choice: either bring Namine with us at 7:45 this morning, or get someone to watch her. My mom was kind enough to come over and stay with her. The meeting didn’t take too long, fortunately,…
Field trip
Namine went on a field trip with her class yesterday to a pumpkin farm. My dad had the pleasure of going with her, but apparently he’s too busy to write about it. Fine, I’ll just post the pictures he took.
The new IEP
To paraphrase The Who, “the new IEP, same as the old IEP.” Rather, in this case, we hope not. Namine’s IEP meeting was on Monday, and we came away from it feeling good. As always, though, time will tell.
Feet, baths, and IEPs
Well, kids, it’s official. Namine’s feet have been declared just fine and dandy (if more than a little smelly) by both her orthopedic and plastic surgeons. This is momentous news indeed!
Round and round we go
The most frustrating thing, I think, about Namine being a quote-unquote “special needs child” is not her medication, fragile immune system, or even doctor appointments. Perhaps a year or two ago I would have said differently, but now that she is stable, it’s dealing with the school system.
School and therapy
We kept Namine home from school yesterday due to a fever. Because she can’t go to school until 24 hours after a fever, we’ll be keeping her home today as well. We took her temp before bed last night, and it looked like it was going down. Hopefully she’ll be able to go to school…
School orientation, for real this time
On Thursday, Jessica and Namine went to the orientation for her new school. Now that Namine’s health is under a little more control – she’s still congested (as am I now, so I think it’s just one of those things), but she isn’t really coughing anymore – I can devote a post to talking about…