Pain managed, time to break free!
Namine was given the all-clear to go home! We just had to wait for our discharge papers.
Foot laceration pain management
With the larger threat of infection all but removed, the focus now is on pain management.
Foot laceration complications
The pain in Namine’s foot from her fall was so out of control that we ended going back to the ER.
My tipped wheelchair
My dad wrote about when I tipped my wheelchair. This is what happened, from my point of view.
Tipped wheelchair and foot laceration
Namine’s wheelchair fell on top of her. Fortunately, she did not break any bones. She did suffer a pretty nasty cut on her foot.
We all have Covid
What started out as a cold progressed to full-blown Covid for all three of us.
Leg pain scare
Namine’s leg was caught in the sliding door of the van. Fortunately, nothing is broken.
Road trip to radiology
We had to go to the hospital to X-ray Namine’s leg.
Getting vaccinated
It’s important that we got vaccinated against COVID-19 because Namine can’t.
Heart visit and liver ultrasound
Namine had a cardiology appointment followed by a liver ultrasound.
Heart echo
Namine had her yearly echocardiogram and heart checkup.
Video doctor appointment
Namine had her first virtual checkup.