Foot laceration pain management

With the larger threat of infection all but removed, the focus now is on pain management.

It’s day two for Namine in the hospital, but it feels like it’s been much longer. (I suppose technically, it’s the third day since we’ve spent two nights here, but that first “day” was really just us arriving late in the evening.) Namine is still playing catch-up with her IV medication, having missed it for the better part of the afternoon yesterday.

The swelling and redness in Namine’s foot has decreased somewhat, leading the doctors to move her antibiotic from given by IV to taken by mouth; when we go home, she will get a prescription for it.

The pain in Namine’s foot is really the only thing keeping her in the hospital, but it is not inconsequential. Despite the stronger IV medication, her pain is consistent and incredible. Were she on a lesser, oral medicine, it would be intolerable — which is what brought us back here in the first place.

Consequently, she will be kept here for another night. We will reevaluate, based on her pain level, in the morning. In the meantime, she’s now feeling well enough — despite the persistent pain in her foot — to attend classes (yay for virtual school!) and play card games with us.

One response

  1. Sue Shutter Avatar
    Sue Shutter

    I can feel her pain! I was around 12 when I had a similar laceration, between my second to last two that wrapped around the back to the little toe. The doctor explained that it hurts so much because it wasn’t a simple laceration caused by a sharp edge – mine was an avulsion from slamming my toes into a door jam as I ran – the jamb hit hard between my toes and tore the skin and caused bruising. Sounds like her injury was pretty traumatic to her foot too. I’m glad to hear they’re providing good pain management!

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