I had gotten an email about this “Superparty” (yes, one word) event that was happening before the opening showing of the My Little Pony movie, so we decided to go. Upon buying our tickets, we each also got a toy and a poster.

Namine and I have been to these special pre-show parties before; they usually have face painting, crafts, and coloring. This was, shall we say, less organized. There were crayons and coloring sheets, but Namine seemed to get the last one of those. There were face painters (or what seemed to be at first glance), so we got in line.
When it was Namine’s turn, I noticed that the painter was not using brushes, but rather dipping a crayon in the paint. When I asked her why, she told me that not only were there no brushes, but there were also no face painters. She herself was just a mom who came there with her child, and was willing enough to paint other children’s faces aside from her own.
Since there were no “real” face painters (no offense to the lady), I asked Namine if she wanted me to paint her face. She said yes, could I please paint Princess Twilight Sparkle’s crown on her forehead. So I squeezed some paints onto a paper plate, grabbed a few crayons with decent pointed tips, and set to work.

I guess I really didn’t think about it at the time, since there were at least half a dozen parents painting faces and arms. But that evening, when I gave Namine her bath and washed the crown off her forehead, it didn’t come off her skin like face paint. It came off like acrylic. Replaying the memory of squeezing the paint out onto the plate, I realized that there was no actual face paint at all. Whoops.
Despite the lack of organization, we still had a good time. We enjoyed the movie, and now we just have to find room somewhere on Namine’s walls for her new poster.

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