Team Up! With Families is a non-profit group that helps special needs children participate in camp activities. Over the course of four days, Namine was able to go horseback riding, fishing, rock climbing, and more.
There were also more group-focused activities, like music-making — Namine played the drums — and a dance party. Namine also played cooperative games, like where the kids moved boards to help each other cross a swamp, and an obstacle course.
On the last day, Namine did get to try rock climbing again. The first time she did it, it was at a school field trip. Unfortunately, the harness hurt her, so she didn’t do it for very long. This time, the harness they had was more comfortable, but her fear of heights got the better of her. She didn’t want to climb much higher than she was tall, but she was glad (after she was safe on the ground) to have done it at all.
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