Making guacamole

I keep writing about making food, but really, is there a better activity the whole family can participate in? Preparing dinner doesn’t have to fall to one person; the kids can join in too. Namine’s inability to reach the counter by herself necessitates some accommodations like using a footstool as a table. But there’s no…

I keep writing about making food, but really, is there a better activity the whole family can participate in? Preparing dinner doesn’t have to fall to one person; the kids can join in too. Namine’s inability to reach the counter by herself necessitates some accommodations like using a footstool as a table. But there’s no reason not to!

While I browned the meat for tacos, Jessica and Namine made homemade guacamole. Namine has been getting better at using scissors – enough so that we can hand her a pair, tell her to cut something out, and trust that it’ll get done – so she cut the avocado herself, with a little guidance from Jessica.


They each scooped out halves of avocado.


Namine had fun squishing the avocado into mush.


Using the fork proved a little difficult for Namine, so Jessica gave her a potato masher.


Next, it was time to add the lime. Namine discovered that she loved the taste of lime juice, and she wouldn’t give it back or put it in the mix.


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