
  • Foot laceration complications

    Foot laceration complications

    The pain in Namine’s foot from her fall was so out of control that we ended going back to the ER.

  • Heart visit and liver ultrasound

    Heart visit and liver ultrasound

    Namine had a cardiology appointment followed by a liver ultrasound.

  • Today was a waste of time

    Today was a waste of time

    Namine continues her current prescription to treat this mysterious abdominal pain. This can’t go on indefinitely, however; so Jessica took her in to see the urologist for more tests and, possibly, an answer as to why this has happened at all. It did not go well, and we know just as much now as we…

  • Ultrasound

    Namine had an appointment on Monday to have an ultrasound taken of her legs. After all is said and done, it went well – but we won’t know the results until a doctor tells us. But Namine was very still, and let the tech do her job.